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Financial Services Department

Our department serves internal departments in the areas of Budget, Accounts Payable, Payroll, Fixed Asset administration, Utility Billing, Cash Receipting, General Accounting, Debt Management and Procurement. The Purchasing division manages all significant purchases and requests for proposals.

The entire County Budget and subsequent Audits are completed by the finance division as well as several other compliance audits or reporting to various agencies in which we received funding or grants. Additionally, the department provides support for special districts.

Photograph of a desk covered with a binder with "Finance" printed on the spine, notebooks, cup full of markers, globe, diagrams, paperclips, calculator, ruler, pencils, notepad with figures written on it

Private Activity Bond

 PABs are tax-exempt bonds that can be issued for specific purposes by eligible entities including cities, counties, and states and are subject to a volume cap allocation established each year by the federal government.  They are used to raise investor capital to support specific and privately developed projects.  Mesa County may issue PABs using the allocation, assign the PAB allocation to other issuing entities or relinquish the allocation to the State in a given year.  The County is requesting interested parties complete this application by May 16, 2025 for consideration. 

For more information on submitting an application, click the link below. 

Application for Private Activity Bond

Carryout Bag Fee

Beginning January 1, 2023, stores in unincorporated Mesa County will be required to collect a $0.10 fee on each single-use plastic or recyclable paper carryout bag provided to the customer. The store must then remit 60% (or $0.06) of the collected fee to Mesa County, while the business can retain the other 40% (or $0.04).

Retailers must file a carryout bag fee return quarterly using this form, even if the retailer did not collect over $20 in carryout bag fees and will not be submitting any money. Returns are due on the 20th day of the month, following the reporting quarter. The return is due the next business day if the 20th is on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday.

  • 1st Quarter (January-March): April 20th
  • 2nd Quarter (April-June): July 20th
  • 3rd Quarter (July-September): October 20th
  • 4th Quarter (October-December): January 20th




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Financial Services Department

Old Courthouse (Finance)

544 Rood Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Monday - Friday: 8:00 am-5:00 pm

Mailing Address

Department 5014
P.O. Box 20,000
Grand Junction, CO 81502-5001