Lost and Found Pets - Animal Services
We at Mesa County Animal Services know how devastating it can be to have your pet go missing. In order to facilitate a quick reunion between you and your pet, Mesa County provides some unique services.
The Lost and Found Pets website (separate from Mesa County's website) provides information about displaced pets in our custody and in the community. This provides residents with a means to share information about animals they have found and are keeping in their home while they search for the owner. In addition, owners that have lost pets can post contact and animal information so that if a match is made a reunion can be coordinated.
However, pet owners should be aware that based on an animal’s health, situations beyond our control or technical difficulties, specific animals may not be listed and descriptions are open to interpretation. If you have a lost pet, we always recommend that you visit our shelter regularly as only you can properly identify your lost companion. A bulletin board is also available to post and review lost pets. Staff at the shelter will scan a found pet for a microchip.