College Students Elections Information
Student Voting Guidelines
A registered voter in Colorado is considered a resident of Colorado for motor vehicle registration and operation purposes and for income tax purposes. Federal law prohibits voting in more than one jurisdiction/state.
Out-of-State or New to Colorado Students
- As noted above, a registered voter in Colorado is considered a resident of Colorado for motor vehicle registration and operation purposes and for income tax purposes.
- A person residing in Colorado temporarily may want to register to vote in their home state and vote by mail, if their home state allows absentee voting.
Out-of-County Students
Colorado law allows college students to keep their voter registration in their hometown and vote by mail from college. This choice is up to the student. They may re-register in the jurisdiction where they are attending school, or they may retain their registration in their hometown.
Colorado Residents Attending School Out of State
If you intend to keep Colorado as your permanent home for motor vehicle and income tax purposes, register as a Colorado voter and make sure your voter registration is up-to-date with your out-of-state mailing address. Your residential address is your Colorado home address.
Before registering to vote, please review the Voter Registration Requirements and Information.
Colorado Mesa University Students Living on Campus
If you are a CMU student registering to vote in Mesa County from your CMU Dorm address please follow these instructions for your residential and mail address (see below if you are just having your ballot mailed to your dorm, but registered someplace else).
Note the difference between your residential address and mailing address. Remember to use your assigned dorm name not the main university address.
Residential Address
Street Address
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Example - Residential
1100 North Avenue
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Mailing Address
Dorm Building Name
Dorm Street Address and Mailbox #
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Example - Mailing
Wingate Hall
1601 Cannell Avenue #106
Grand Junction, CO 81501

If you are a CMU student who is currently registered to vote but you are maintaining your home voter registration and you would like to have your ballot mailed to you at CMU dorm we recommend completing the voter registration online form in the following manner – Note this is a Colorado example only. If you are registered out-of-state, you may only have two address field options. Colorado provides these three field options.
Residential Address
Your home address in another Colorado County
Mailing Address
Leave blank
Mail my Ballot to a Different address:
Mail Box # Your Dorm Hall, Street address of Dorm
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Wingate Hall
1601 Cannell Avenue #106
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Do you want to register or update your registration?
You can visit the Colorado Secretary of State website to register and update your registration information.
It is highly recommended you include an email address with your voter registration. Your email address is NOT public information. It helps the Elections Division get in touch with you if there is a problem with your ballot and also communicate (infrequently) about upcoming election information.
College Students Elections Information
Central Services (Elections)
200 S. Spruce StreetGrand Junction, CO 81501