Shared Transportation Directory
Shared transportation systems can save people money, provide options for how to get around the community, and in some cases reduce air pollution emissions.
Shared transportation systems can save people money, provide options for how to get around the community, and in some cases reduce air pollution emissions.
The local bus system providing public transit services on 11 fixed-routes within Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade and the urban portions of Mesa County.
Intercity bus service provided by the Colorado Department of Transportation that travels along major interstates and highways in Colorado. Serves several stops in Grand Junction.
Amtrak operates intercity passenger rail service throughout the United States and stops in Grand Junction.
The city partnered with Lime and Bird to operate a fleet of e-scooters within a pilot area from 24 Rd to 28 1/2 Rd and from Horizon Drive to the Fairgrounds.
The Grand Valley's taxi company.
The Clifton Park-n-Rides are located north of the F Road/US-6 and I-70B intersection.
There is a Park-n-Ride lot located on the east of I70B and another Park-n-Ride lot located on the west of I-70B.
The Orchard Mesa Park-n-Ride is used by commuters to access employment opportunities in Mesa, Delta, and Garfield Counties. This parking lot is located along US 50 between CO-141 and Hookless Blvd.
The Palisade Park-n-Ride, near Exit 42 off I-70, is used by commuters to access employment opportunities in Mesa, Delta, and Garfield Counties. This parking lot is located north of the Golden Gate near I-70 and Elberta Ave.
Paratransit service is available for people with mental and physical disabilities who are unable to utilize Grand Valley Transit (GVT) fixed route system. Only people who have been verified as eligible to use paratransit may use this service.
Needs-based access to medical and supportive services for qualifying seniors.
Located in Grand Junction, Colorado, Millenium Medical Services offer a non-ambulatory, mini bus taxi service. Assisting with Medicaid transit as well.