Court Services Unit

SB 24-131 - Prohibiting Carrying Firearms in Sensitive Spaces
When visiting the Mesa County Justice Center, the law prohibits the carrying of firearms, both openly and concealed, in the courthouse and the adjacent parking areas, sidewalks, and any other areas directly surrounding the Justice Center.
The bill does not prohibit a person from securely storing a firearm in a vehicle, as required by State Law, in the adjacent parking areas of the Justice Center.
Anyone in violation of the law could be charged with Unlawful Carrying of a Firearm in a Government Building, a Class 1 Misdemeanor.
The complete Senate Bill 24-131 can be viewed on the Colorado General Assembly website. Please visit the Colorado Bureau of Investigation website for information on Colorado gun laws and Colorado Revised Statute 18-12-105.3 regarding concealed carry laws.
Map of Areas where carrying firearms is prohibited

About Court Services
The Court Services Unit is staffed by deputies who maintain a constant presence in the Justice Center while it is open for business.
Court Services deputies are responsible for law enforcement services in and around the Justice Center, including:
- Controlling a security checkpoint
- Maintaining order in the courtroom
- Transporting inmates
- From the courtroom to the Detention Facility
- Locally
- Example: from the youth detention facility to court or hospital, etc.
- Long distance
- Example: to the Department of Corrections or extraditions from other jurisdictions
The Mesa County Justice Center
The Mesa County Justice Center is estimated to receive over 200,000 visitors yearly.
When visiting the Mesa County Justice Center, signs will direct visitors to the appropriate entrance. Visitors will encounter a security screening very similar to what is in place at most airports, such as a metal detector and a screening machine for bags.
Metal detector screening
Just like in an airport, visitors must follow security screening guidelines.
- All hand-carried items must be placed through an x-ray machine. When required, those items will be hand searched.
- Visitors may be requested to remove their shoes, belt, or other articles, including items in their pockets.
- This screening prevents restricted weapons or contraband from being brought into the justice center.
Tips for visiting the Mesa County Justice Center
Screening tips
- Arrive 15 minutes before your scheduled appointment to allow extra time for security screening.
- Allow more than 15 minutes to go through screening during peak hours between
- 7:45 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.
- 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m.
- Leave all prohibited items in your vehicle before entering the facility.
- Prohibited items will be confiscated before you can pass the security checkpoint.
Prohibited Items:
- Firearms are not allowed even if you are licensed to carry a handgun.
- Food or drinks
- Pocket knives or illegal blades
- Stun guns, mace, or other caustic materials
- Brass knuckles
- Cameras or recording devices
- Scissors or fingernail clippers
All contraband items will be confiscated, and a claim ticket will be issued for pick up upon exiting the facility. In some cases, a summons may be issued.
Need to look up case information?
Contact the Mesa County Court Clerk
Call 970-257-3640 or visit the 21st Judicial District / Mesa County section of the Colorado Judicial Branch website.
Did you receive a jury summons and have questions?
Contact the Mesa County Justice Center
Call 970-257-3650 or visit the 21st Judicial District / Mesa County section of the Colorado Judicial Branch website.
Scam Alert: Jury duty calls
Unfortunately, scammers will try to impersonate the Sheriff’s Office. Below are two common scams that are employed:
- Scam: You receive a call from Mesa County Sheriff’s Office to say you have missed jury.
- Reality: The Mesa County Sheriff’s Office will NEVER call you if you have missed jury duty!
- Scam: You receive a call from someone claiming that you have a warrant out for your arrest.
- Reality: The Mesa County Sheriff’s Office will NEVER call you to say you have a warrant out for your arrest.
In both cases, do not share any personal information with the caller and HANG UP! If you are unsure if the call you received is real or a scam, call 970-244-3500 to verify the information.
Call 970-244-3500 to verify the information.
Contact Information
125 North Spruce Street
Grand Junction, CO 81501
Main Building
Monday - Friday
7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. (excluding holidays)
Combined Clerk's Office
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (excluding holidays)