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  • The CVC Board meets the second Friday of each month at 9:30 am at 125 N. Spruce Street, Suite 201. 
  • The public is welcome to observe the meetings of the CVC Board. All CVC Board meetings, except for executive sessions, will be open to the public. Members of the public attending CVC Board meetings will be recorded in the meeting minutes.
  • CVC Board meetings are not open for public comment or discussion. Persons may contact the CVC Administrator, Jennifer Ballagh, by email at to have an item placed on the CVC Board's agenda for review. Requests received less than seven working days before a scheduled meeting will be deferred until the next scheduled meeting.
  • Persons in attendance at a CVC Board meeting demonstrating disruptive behavior or behavior that impedes the CVC Board's ability to function will be asked to leave the meeting.
  • The CVC Board shall review and discuss all claims, claim materials, claimant requests, medical reports, treatment plans, crime-related debts, or appeals in Executive Session as allowed by C.R.S. §24-6-402(4)(c), C.R.S. §24-6-402(34)(g), C.R.S. §24-72-202(4)(b)(4), and C.R.S. §24-7-204(1)(a), when non-CVC staff or CVC Board members are in attendance in order to preserve and respect the confidentiality of CVC claims and victim information as required by C.R.S. §24-4.1-107.5(2). 
  • Administrative matters and all funding decisions will be made outside of Executive Session.



Friday, January 10, 2025
Justice Center (District Attorney)
Board Meetings

Justice Center (District Attorney)

125 N Spruce St
Grand Junction, CO 81501