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During the July 16 administrative public hearing, Commissioners approved a letter to the Colorado Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) in support of the Town of Collbran’s grant request to fund the Plateau Valley School District water storage tank project. Mesa County has committed to donating one-third of an acre from the Mesa County Road and Bridge property located at 15620 57 ½ Road to the Town of Collbran as a place to house the water tank.

The new storage tank will provide a reliable supply of water for drinking, sanitation, and fire suppression for the new Plateau Valley PK-12 school currently being constructed. It will also serve as a critical source of backup water for Collbran in the case of an emergency.

The property being donated is in an optimal location for the storage tank, and Mesa County does not anticipate using it for any other purpose.

This project is an investment in Plateau Valley’s future. It will ensure the sustainability of its water resources and enhance the quality of life for residents.

Information, Video
Water storage tank.