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At the Nov. 19 administrative public hearing, the Board of Commissioners approved a resolution supporting legislation to amend C.R.S. § 30-2-102 to reclassify Mesa County as a Category I-A County for purposes of establishing the salaries of County elected officials. Before approval, the Board received a detailed presentation from the 21st Judicial District Attorney Dan Rubinstein explaining the need for the resolution.

The classifications for counties under C.R.S. §30-2-102 are used to fix the salary amounts for county elected officials. On June 10, 2016, the General Assembly amended C.R.S. §30-2-102 to reclassify Mesa County from Category I-A to Category I-D. Based on this reclassification, Mesa County elected officials make less than those in Garfield, Grand, and La Plata Counties despite serving a much larger population and, in turn, providing more services. 

The purpose of this resolution is to solicit public comment to determine whether the Mesa County Board of County Commissioners should support the General Assembly reclassifying Mesa County as a Category I-A county to equalize pay with elected officials in Colorado counties, similar in population.

Chairwoman Daniel refrained from voting since the resolution could affect her salary, while Commissioners Davis and Rowland would see no change in theirs. Dan Rubinstein’s salary would not change from the resolution since he is a state employee.

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Calculator sits on desk next to pen with white box and white text reading, "SALARY elected officials."