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Are you a parent seeking support to guide your youth through the challenges of adolescence and foster positive habits for a successful future? The District Attorney's Office Lighthouse Program offers a voluntary and empowering option to light up a path for your youth, free from involvement in the legal system.

What is the Lighthouse Program?

We understand that there's no one-size-fits-all roadmap for parents when a challenge arises in their child's life. The Lighthouse Program's mission is to provide your youth and family with the essential tools for success, education, resources, and support —  making sustainable changes to steer your child away from involvement in Truancy Court, Municipal or District Court, the Juvenile Justice System, or the Child Welfare System.

Tailored support:

Once a referral is submitted from an accepted source, an initial meeting is scheduled with the youth, guardians, and dedicated navigator, where a Lighthouse Program Agreement is crafted and individualized to address the unique needs of each youth.

Lighthouse Program Agreements may include the following components:

  • Academic success
  • Employment
  •  Participation in a positive extra-curricular activity
  • Curfew
  • Restorative justice programs and activities
  • Classes (life skills, rethinking substances, victim empathy, anger management, etc.)
  • Mental health assessment
  • Individual therapy
  • Family systems therapy
  • Mentoring
  • Tutoring
  • Drug/alcohol screening, prevention, and education
  • Access to services from community partners

Voluntary Participation and Referrals:

Participation in the Lighthouse Program is entirely voluntary, and it welcomes referrals from all three Mesa County school districts, School Resource Officers, community partners, community members, and families.

How to Take the First Step:

If you or a family you know could benefit from the Lighthouse Program, visit the District Attorney's Office webpage at for more information. Alternatively, call 970-255-5041 or email to request a referral form.

Let's unite as a community to illuminate the path to success for Mesa County youth and make a lasting impact on the lives of children.

District Attorney
The District Attorney's Office Lighthouse Program offers a voluntary and empowering option to light up a path for your youth, free from involvement in the legal system.