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This week, Mesa County Elections completed the Risk-Limiting Audit (RLA) on the 2024 Primary Election. In this audit, a bipartisan board compared paper ballots from the election to the recorded votes to ensure accurate results. The audit results were 100% clear of discrepancies.

The Risk-Limiting Audit is carried out statewide after each election. It provides a statistical level of confidence that an election's outcome is correct.

The State of Colorado uses a process to randomly select which ballots Mesa County will pull to check for accuracy. The margin of each targeted race determines the number of ballots chosen to audit. The closer the margin, the more ballots are audited to confirm the outcome.

During the RLA, a bipartisan board examines the randomly selected ballots and reproduces the voter markings on each ballot for the audit software to check. 

All the markings in the targeted races matched between the audit board's reports and the voting system's records. Therefore, the audit has gathered enough evidence to show, with a high level of statistical confidence, that the reported outcome of the targeted races matches how the voters marked their ballots.

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