2024 Adult Protection Awareness Month
Did you know that June is Adult Protection Awareness Month? At the June 18 Board of County Commissioners public hearing, Joe Kellerby, the Director of Child Welfare and Adult Protection with the Mesa County Department of Human Services (MCDHS), briefed the Board on the importance of adult protection in Mesa County.
Adult Protection Awareness Month aims to bring attention to the needs of vulnerable and at-risk adults in the community. An at-risk adult may be anyone experiencing cognitive or functional challenges, such as intellectual and developmental disabilities or cognitive decline with age. It is critical that these people have access to the help and services they need to thrive.
The Child Welfare and Adult Protection Division screens calls from community members and mandated reporters regarding abuse, caretaker neglect, self-neglect, and/or exploitation of at-risk individuals to determine if the case meets the criteria for a baseline assessment and investigation.
If an investigation is required, MCDHS will engage with the patient and any caretakers to gauge the situation and determine if abuse, neglect, and/or exploitation are taking place. When an individual is in need of help, case managers can ensure they are provided with protection, necessary services, and even guardianship in instances where friends and family are unable to support them. Case managers will continue to work with patients to make sure their situation improves and that they can live as independently as possible.
Please join us in support of this cause. For more information about Adult Protection services, visit the Adult Protection webpage.
To report suspected adult abuse or neglect, call the Adult Protection Hotline at 970-248-2888.