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To continue eradication efforts and safeguard our community from the invasive Japanese Beetle, Mesa County, through a contract with WD Yards, will begin spraying properties within the Japanese Beetle Hotzone today, May 16, 2024. The Japanese Beetle is a harmful insect identified in Mesa County in the summer of 2022. It threatens our agricultural industry with its mighty appetite for turfgrass, grapes, peaches, and a variety of other plants and produce grown and loved in the Grand Valley. 

WD Yards will start spraying properties within the hot zone today with Acelepryn, a safe pesticide, and continue efforts throughout the next few months. Now is the best time for Mesa County to start eliminating Japanese Beetle grub populations before the grubs hatch into adult beetles with the ability to travel.

The identified infestation hot zone spans from 24 Road and Horizon Drive between G Road and H Road. We appreciate all property owners' consent to receive free Japanese Beetle spraying treatments and willingness to join our mission to protect our community from this harmful pest. 

This year's round of spraying in the hot zone is a data-driven effort to stay on track with our goal of total Japanese Beetle eradication in three to five years and protect our local lands from the pesky beetle's threat. Mesa County remains dedicated to collaborating with property owners, farmers, CSU Extension, the Colorado Agriculture Department, and local governments to manage this invasive species.

At, we provide you with a Japanese Beetle Eradication page with all the information you need to know to join the effort to make Mesa County Japanese Beetle free. 

Noxious Weed and Pest
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Man in red shirt and rubber boots walks along green grass spraying pesticides with a yellow hose.