Four contracts approved for Road and Bridge to purchase materials for 2025 projects
At their Jan. 28 public hearing, the Board of Mesa County Commissioners unanimously approved four contracts with local gravel suppliers, totaling $437,347, to purchase material to carry out Mesa County Road and Bridge projects in 2025.
The materials purchased are essential to various projects to maintain and improve Mesa County’s roads, bridges, and proper drainage.
The majority of the contracts’ amounts go toward the purchase of materials for road base, which is used as the primary driving surface of gravel roads. As roads age around the County, our crews will use the gravel to cover small warn spots or resurface an entire road, depending on the most cost-effective solution for the area. This material is also utilized to cover muddy spots and large rocks and recreate the crown on the road, which helps drain water to the shoulders.
Other items included in the four contracts are chips to perform chip seals on asphalt roads and materials used to create hot sand that is placed on snowy roads to provide traction for motorists.
Road and Bridge purchases from multiple suppliers to keep the material pickup process efficient and cause the least amount of disturbance to residents. The suppliers are near the Road and Bridge facilities where the materials will live to ensure residents won’t need to follow a hauling truck clear across the County, and taxpayer dollars are saved on hauling costs.