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Do you love recreating at the beautiful rivers in Mesa County? We have the perfect opportunity for you to capture ideas for stormwater solutions through photos and/or videos and help keep the river fun flowing for generations to come.

Submit your photo or video demonstrating how you or your chosen nominees protect our rivers and contribute to stormwater quality here. Whether you showcase innovative rainwater harvesting systems, community clean-up efforts, eco-friendly practices in action, or simply clean up your pet's waste, we want to see your impact!

And here's the best part — by sharing your story through visuals, you'll automatically be entered into a drawing to win a $25 gift card to Downtown Grand Junction.

Don't miss this opportunity to make waves for a cleaner, healthier Mesa County. Let's create a Ripple Effect of positive change and inspire others to join the movement. Please submit your entries, and let your photos speak volumes for our rivers!

Let's make a difference, one ripple at a time. Dive into action and show us your stormwater solutions today!

Contest entries are accepted until Aug. 31, 2024. One winner will be selected at random at the end of every month. Entries are good for the entire season, regardless of which month they were submitted.

Blog Post, Information, Video
Aerial view of river and other bodies of water in Mesa County, CO.