Roadside Herbicide Treatments
2025 Herbicide treatments to Mesa County roadsides and rights-of-ways
Roadside and right-of-way weed treatment takes place on up to 10 feet on each side of the road. These treatments, conducted by either Mesa County staff or a licensed contractor, will begin countywide in early March 2025 and continue several times through October 2025. Treating roadways improves visibility at intersections and driveways while preventing the spread of invasive vegetation to adjacent parcels, many of which support agricultural production. Spraying along guardrails allows weed management in areas difficult to mow with equipment.
Below, you may view a map of the rights-of-ways and guardrails that will be sprayed this year.
Rights-of-ways Herbicide Treatment Map
Guardrail Herbicide Treatment Map
Property owners wishing to opt out of the herbicide treatments must join the "No Spray" list, clearly mark their property lines with signs and bright flags, and manage the weeds in and along that area themselves. Signs and flagging must be placed along the property line, approximately 4 feet high and be made of weather resistant material. To add your property to the "No Spray" click the button below.
For questions, please contact Mesa County Noxious Weed & Pest Management at 970-255-7121 or
Please note: Mesa County does not have a weed ordinance in unincorporated areas of the County. Further, Mesa County does not spray within city or town jurisdictions. For questions about spraying conducted within jurisdictions, please call the appropriate jurisdiction: