Upper Grand Valley Pest Control District
Learn about our program
- The Upper Grand Valley Pest Control District was formed in 1965 under Colorado Revised Statutes Title 35, Article 5, “Pest Control Districts”.
- Since it was established, the District has been renewed repeatedly with support from commercial fruit growers.
- The purpose of the District is to protect commercial growers from insect, disease, and weed infestations as per C.R.S. Title 35, Article 4, the “Pest Control Act”.
- Enforcement is accomplished through the Mesa County Horticulture Pest & Weed Representative.
- Representative
- Enforces the law
- Responds to complaints
- Makes sure that neglected or unmanaged fruit trees are cared for or removed
- Inspects nursery stock
- Educates the public
- Identifies and manages weed infestations
- An Advisory Board made up of area growers assists the Inspector and directs the operation of the District.
- Subscribe to the Mesa County Agricultural Updates.
Colorado State University and Utah State University
District Map
The UGVPCD encompasses the fruit growing area at the east end of the Grand Valley.
- I-70 on the north
- 33 Road on the West for the area North or the railroad tracks
- 30 Road on the West for the area South of the railroad tracks
- Cameo on the East
- Orchard Mesa Irrigation Canal Number 2 on the South