Neighborhood clean-up for Community Development
What is the neighborhood clean-up?
2024 Neighborhood Clean-up Information
2024 Neighborhood Clean-up Flyer - Code Compliance
2024 Neighborhood Clean-up Aerial Map
The neighborhood clean-up was first piloted in 2019 in response to community members wanting to transform their neighborhoods. Since its inception, this collaborative effort has expanded to more neighborhoods promoting solid waste disposal through engagement and awareness of community members who are also actively involved in the clean-up. The result is a safer, healthier Mesa County that promotes a sense of pride and community.
Year | Trash removed |
2019 | 140 tons |
2020 | 209.58 tons |
2021 | 343.53 tons |
2022 | 105.02 tons |
Check back for future neighborhood clean-up dates.

- Crews will move quickly and will not be able to return to an area once they have already been through it. All items must be out by 7:00 am on the first day of the clean-up.
- Piles should be located on the street, in the gutter, in front of your house. Do not put trash piles on your property or in the alley.
- To avoid property damage, place items at least 3 feet away from buildings, fences, mailboxes, etc.– Crews are not responsible for damage to these structures.
- Do not set debris on private property such as driveways or lawns. Heavy equipment is not responsible for damage and trash may be left if it cannot be safely removed.
- Keep piles separate from your household trash containers or other items you do not want removed. Al trash cans, totes, boxes, etc. will be removed with the trash.
- Do not put out hazardous waste or e-waste of any kind. See the Additional Information tab below for disposal options for these materials.
- Do not combine piles with your neighbors.
- Check with your neighbors to see if they need assistance getting trash to the curb. Helping them will help your entire neighborhood.
ALL trash must be secured in a box or bag- no exceptions. Loose trash will be left for the resident to dispose of.
- General household trash
- Garden and yard debris- tree branches must be 6 feet in length or less. Please bundle all branches.
- Furniture (except mattresses and box springs)
- Lumber and household construction materials
Items we will not pick up |
General Items
Household Hazardous Waste**:
*For disposal of tires and other items prohibited from the Neighborhood clean-up, please contact the Mesa County Landfill at 970-241-6846. | **For disposal of household hazardous waste, please contact the Mesa County Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at 970-256-9543. | ***For disposal of e-waste please contact the Mesa County Hazardous Waste Collection Facility at 970-256-9543 or visit for other disposal options in Mesa County. |
Do you have hard to recycle materials? Want to donate clothing, toys, household or other items that still have life in them?
Visit to search for area resources for donations, hazardous waste, electronics, and much more.