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Information about our office

The Regional Transportation Planning Office (RTPO) is an umbrella organization that provides technical and administrative staff for:

  • Grand Valley Transit
  • Grand Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
  • Grand Valley Transportation Planning Region (TPR)

Grand Valley MPO and TPR

The Grand Valley MPO, or GVMPO, provides regional transportation planning and programming services for all road users, including those who drive, walk, bike, roll, take transit, deliver freight, or travel by other modes.

In compliance with federal law, the Grand Valley MPO works to ensure transportation projects and planning efforts are comprehensive, undertaken cooperatively and regularly with state and local governments. 

TPRs at a Glance

Map of Grand Valley Metropolitan Planning Organization and Transportation Planning Region Boundary

The MPO boundary includes Grand Junction, Fruita, Palisade, and the urban portions of unincorporated Mesa County. The Grand Valley TPR boundary includes all of Mesa County, including Collbran and De Beque.

2023 RTPO Annual Report

More about transportation in the Grand Valley

Having MPO and TPR designation allows for federal and state funding to be programmed and used in the region. There are two documents that guide transportation in the Grand Valley:

  • A 20-year Regional Transportation Plan provides a long-term vision that drives the prioritization, funding, and development of transportation improvements. RTPO staff are continuously working on implementing the latest plan. This plan is updated every 5 years.


The RTPO is led by the Grand Valley Regional Transportation Committee and advised by the Technical Advisory Committee and Local Coordinating Council.