Adult Education
Interested in earning your GED?
If you are among the 39 million adults in the U.S. who never graduated from high school, then you have probably considered getting your GED diploma. It's a credential worth getting.
Regardless of where you are at in your life, it's never too late to begin your journey in Adult Education. For U.S. adults with low skills or low academic attainment, finding the time or resources to return to school can be difficult because family and work obligations may complicate participation in education or training.
A General Equivalency Diploma (GED) is awarded to people who pass the GED test, HiSET exam, or TASC test. These exams measure basic skills, knowledge, and the ability to apply them. The tests are four-part or five-part exams covering reading, writing, science, social studies, and math.

The tests are not too difficult. A GED test can be easy if you prepare the right way, take some time to understand the test, and brush up on what you need to know.
How We Can Help
The Mesa County Workforce Center is excited to offer GED Prep classes in Grand Junction (Adult Basic and Adult Secondary levels).
Adult Education classes will help students prepare for the GED test and develop reading comprehension, writing, and math skills needed in the workforce. Students will take a TABE assessment to determine their level and then work closely with an instructor to develop a lesson plan that fits their needs. Classes are self-paced, and an instructor is available to work with students individually.
Our amazing Adult Education team here at the Mesa County Workforce Center can work with you through any barriers you may be facing to help put you on the path toward furthering your education. They can help identify the areas that you need to work on. They meet students with where they are at and assist them by working through the areas that they may improve on.
The importance of Adult Education
For more information or to get started
GED Prep Classes
Location: Mesa County Workforce Center (classes are in-person only)
In-Class Learning: Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.
Google Classroom
- Drop in online to ask questions/seek help when enrolled in the GED Prep Class
- Wednesday - 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.