Community Corrections
The Mesa County Community Corrections (MCCC) program is an alternative sentencing option that allows individuals to stay in the local community while serving a felony sentence.
MCCC supervises individuals in both residential and non-residential settings. Clients receive services related to employment, financial management, treatment and education. These services provide the client opportunities to address assessed needs while reducing the client’s risk of future involvement with the criminal justice system. While serving a legal sentence, clients have the opportunity to establish positive ties to the community through contact with family, employment, treatment services and community involvement.
The program emphasizes evidence based principles to increase healthy behaviors and positive interactions.

Referrals and Types of Client Sentences
Mesa County Community Corrections works with a variety of referral agencies that oversee specific types of legal sentences. These sentences include but are not limited to:
- Diversion - Diversion cases involve clients who are diverted into a community corrections program instead of sentenced to the Department of Corrections. Information on these cases is provided to the Adult Review Committee by the local Probation Department.
- Transition - Transition cases involve clients who are already serving a sentence in the Department of Corrections. These clients are eligible for transfer into a community corrections program. Referral information is provided to the Adult Review Committee by the Department of Corrections.
- Condition of Parole (CoP) - CoP cases involve clients who have been granted parole status but need help in stabilizing in the community. Referral information is provided to the Adult Review Committee by the local parole office.
- Other alternative programs will be and are considered as local needs arise.
For more referral information please call (970) 244-3340 or email