Outpatient Treatment Services
Summit View Outpatient services are delivered in a wide variety of settings and serve a wide variety of needs. Outpatient services are provided in regularly scheduled sessions and consist of group education and therapy as well as individual education and therapy. Summit View’s outpatient services can occur as frequently as five days per week or as infrequently as once per month depending on the person’s needs. Services are directed at addressing the person’s major lifestyle, attitudinal, and behavioral issues that have the ability to threaten the treatment goals of the individual or hinder the individual’s ability to cope with major life tasks in a productive and healthy manner.
Addiction Services
Enhanced Outpatient is intended to be a bridge from more intensive treatment programs such as IRT, IOP, and RDDT. It is more intensive than traditional outpatient services and is indicated for clients who are largely in the action stage of change. When paired with the structure and support of residential community corrections this modality offers a level of intensity between traditional outpatient services and inpatient/residential services that is rarely found in communities. Minimum weekly direct clinical contact is 4 hours per week. General treatment activities are provided at least two days per week.
Family education and therapy is offered in several formats to include dyad, triad, family, and group settings with the primary goal of helping family members improve communication, resolve conflicts with attention paid to unhealthy dynamics that require change within the family unit.
General individual psychotherapy and education is offered to assist clients with identifying methods for actionable change related to their specific challenges, and strengths associated with behavioral health. Dosage is typically based on clinical needs and assessment and sessions are typically one hour long.
Intensive Outpatient consists of group and individual counseling for people with substance use disorders or co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. It is designed to establish prosocial supports and facilitate relapse management and coping strategies in the earlier stages of change. When paired with the structure and support of residential community corrections this modality offers a level of intensity between traditional outpatient services and inpatient/residential services that is rarely found in communities. Minimum weekly direct clinical contact is 9 hours per week. General treatment activities are provided four days per week.
Relapse Prevention is intended to be a bridge from more intensive treatment. It consists of weekly group therapy based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and is typically a one and one-half to two hour group. The primary goal of this service is to identify and address historical emotional, physical, and environmental factors that have precipitated relapse for the client.
Intensive case management services directed for people of specific groups. For example, specialized case management services for people who are involved with the Criminal Justice system. The primary goal being to support clients in developing their skills to gain access to needed services essential to habilitation or rehabilitation. Case management involves providing a range of services to assist and support people in developing their skills to gain access to needed services essential to meeting their needs for sustained wellbeing and recovery.
Mental Health and Behavioral Health Services
The goal of Anger Management group is to offer support, education, and guidance in gaining insight into automatic thoughts, cognitive distortions, assumptions, and core beliefs that fuel anger. Skills are presented that are aimed at reframing these variables. It consists of weekly group therapy based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy that is typically one and on-half to two hours in duration.
Is a group of therapeutic techniques and interventions based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help clients notice and change destructive and self-defeating thinking patterns. The techniques are aimed at interrupting and redirecting these patterns. This is typically facilitated in a one and one-half to two hour weekly group.
Providing clients with insights related to budgeting, finding housing solutions, understanding leasing agreements, essential functions of daily living.
Is a group based on the techniques and interventions of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy aimed at identifying and reframing negative effects from stressful events and creating a higher foundation of resiliency. This is typically facilitated in a one and one-half to two hour weekly group.
Is an evidence based treatment designed to increase safety in clients who have experienced trauma and/or substance abuse. The primary goal is to foster safety in relationships, thinking, behavior, and emotions. This is typically facilitated in a one and one-half to two hour weekly group.
General individual psychotherapy and education is offered to assist clients with identifying methods for actionable change related to their specific challenges, and strengths associated with behavioral health. Dosage is typically based on clinical needs and assessment and sessions are typically one hour long.
Specialty Services
Summit View connects people who are in need of DV counseling with community partners who are licensed and credentialed with the State of Colorado to perform mandated DV counseling. Additionally, individuals who may not be mandated for these services, however want to participate in them will be connected with an appropriate provider.
Sex Offender Services assess and identify risk, offense cycles, safety planning, and supervision stipulations. Treatment incorporates minimal arousal training and assessment.