Personal property tax frequently asked questions
Property taxes apply to real property, manufactured homes, and personal business property. If taxes go unpaid they are sold in a tax lien sale or collected in other methods.
What is the latest I can pay my taxes in order to keep my account information from being published?
Payment is required no later than August 31st in order to keep your personal property account from being published.
What is a Personal Property Distraint Warrant?
A distraint warrant is a document that is served by the Sheriff, indicating the amount due and date to be paid by and stating you are not to remove or destroy any property in the business. If taxes are still not paid, property could be seized, advertised and sold by the county. Other forms of collection include collection companies and court actions.
Do I have to pay more if my business is served with a Distraint Warrant?
Yes, there will be an additional $50 fee added to your manufactured home taxes.
Do I have to pay more if my past due tax is advertised?
Yes, there will be an additional advertising charge added to the taxes.
What if I still do not pay my personal property taxes?
A distraint warrant could be served by the Sheriff. The county could confiscate your property and auction it to pay the taxes. Your account could be referred to a collection agency. Court action could be sought.