Real property tax frequently asked questions
Property taxes apply to real property, manufactured homes, and personal business property. If taxes go unpaid they are sold in a tax lien sale or collected in other methods.
Do I lose my property if it goes through the tax sale?
Not immediately. If the property is Real Property (R Account) you still have an additional three years before the tax sale buyer can apply for a deed to the property. However, the interest rate determined for that year will accrue to the date of payment. After three years from date of sale, if the tax sale buyer applies for deed to the property, the you are notified and given a last chance to pay the taxes.
How do I pay a tax lien off to keep my property from going to deed?
You must pay lien amounts in certified funds and in total. We cannot accept partial payments. Lien amounts must be paid in full before we can accept a current year tax payment.
Do I have to pay more if my past due account is advertised?
Yes, an additional advertising charge will be added.
How long do I have before the real property tax is advertised for tax sale?
Real estate taxes are advertised for three consecutive weeks in October. The advertising dates vary from year to year and it's best to pay before October 1st to avoid the advertising charge.
When is the last day to pay to keep the real property out of the tax sale?
You will need to pay before the week of the sale in order to keep it out of the sale. If you pay after that time, additional costs will be added.