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What is fraud?

  • Fraud occurs when a participant knowingly and willfully provides false information about his/her circumstance.
  • Fraud also occurs when a participant intentionally fails to report changes in his/her circumstance in a timely manner in order to receive benefits for which he/she is not eligible.

Contact information

Fraud Hotline

970-256-2421 (message only line)

Unemployment Fraud

Unemployment Fraud is handled through the Colorado Department of Labor & Employment 

Online Unemployment Fraud Form

Phone 303-318-8000

Colorado EBT 

Please visit:

Programs in which fraud may be investigated

  • Food assistance
  • Cash assistance programs
  • Low-Income Energy Assistance Program (LEAP)
  • Medicaid
  • Child care assistance
  • Adoption subsidy

Penalties for committing fraud

  • Criminal prosecution (including court ordered fines, fees, etc.)
  • Intentional Program Violation (IPV)
  • Repayment of benefits
  • Program disqualifications
  • Penalties vary by program type

Reporting fraud allegations

Fraud can be reported by

  • Writing an anonymous letter
  • Calling 970-256-2421 to make an appointment to report in person
  • Calling the Fraud Hotline at 970-256-2421 (Callers may be able to remain anonymous)

Helpful Information

When reporting suspected fraud, please have as much information as possible.  This information can help to ensure that a thorough investigation is performed. Leaving a call back number is not required, but is helpful because it will allow us to get additional information or clarify the information you provide if we find it necessary to do so.

  • Name(s) of recipient(s)
  • Date of birth
  • Social Security number
  • Address
  • Employer name and address

We do everything we can to protect the identity of the reporting party. However, If a case goes to a criminal prosecution (especially if there is a trial), and the information disclosed by the reporting party cannot be independently verified, or if the reporting party becomes a witness in the case, we may be legally obligated to disclose the reporting source. In those instances, the reporting party would be made aware that they are being subpoenaed to testify as a witness.

Mythbusters - Fraud and Recover