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Community Resources

There are many services/resources available in the community that may be able to help your child and your family if you find yourself struggling with some issues.  The following list is just a few of those resources.

Guide to Adulting from Healthy Mesa County

Colorado Legal Services

Colorado Legal Services is a non-profit corporation that assists persons with low income and seniors in the State of Colorado. The mission of Colorado Legal Services is to provide meaningful access to high quality, civil legal services in the pursuit of justice for as many low-income persons and members of vulnerable populations throughout Colorado as possible. 

The civil areas that Colorado Legal Services may be able to assist you include, but may not be limited to, Family and Children, Housing, Consumer Issues, Elder Law, Health Law, and Government Benefits.  If you are interested in these services, please call Colorado Legal Services at 970-243-7940 or visit the Colorado Legal Services(link is external) website.

Health Insurance

Many health insurance plans include some type of mental/behavioral health care coverage.  If you have private health insurance, you can contact your health insurance provide for more information about coverage, services, and providers.  If you have Child Health Plan Plut (CHP+) / Medicaid, you can contact the Mesa County Healthy Communities Family Health Coordinator through the Mesa County Health Department at 970-248-6900 or visit Colorado PEAK(link is external) website.

Hilltop Connections Program

Family Navigator and Family and Adolescent Partnership (FAP)

Could you use some support and direction? Don't know who to talk to? Are you overwhelmed? Frustrated? Not sure where to go to get started? Could you use some guidance?

The Hilltop Connections Program / Family Navigator and Family and Adolescent Partnership (FAP) serves as a community resource for families with children ages 0-19. Hilltop Connections /  Family Navigator and Family and Adolescent Partnership (FAP) works with families who don't necessarily fit other program's criteria, offers case management, including advocacy on behalf of the client. Hilltop Connections / Family Navigator and Family and Adolescent Partnership (FAP) seeks to fill gaps in services not already provided in the community. 

If you are interested in these services, please contact the Hilltop Connections Program at 970-244-0621 or Family Navigator and Family and Adolescent Partnership (FAP) at 970-244-0613 or visit Hilltop Youth(link is external) website.

Mesa County Department of Human Services

The Mesa County Department of Human Services offers voluntary services for children and youth who are beyond the control of parent or for families who are having conflict.  If you are interested in these services, please contact the Child Protection Hotline at 970-242-1211.  The Child Protection Hotline is staffed 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Mesa County Health Department

The Mesa County Health Department offers a variety of voluntary services for parents and their children. These services include, but are not limited to, Family Planning, Nurse Family Partnership (NFP), Women, Infant, and Children (WIC) Program, and SafeCare. 

If you are interested in these services, please contact the Mesa County Health Department at 970-248-6900 or visit the Health Department website.

Mesa County Partners Program

Partners provides one-to-one mentoring to at risk children and youth in our community.  If you are interested in these services, please contact Partners at 970-245-5555 or visit Partners(link is external) website.

Mesa County Workforce Center

The Mesa County Workforce Center offers a variety of services through their Colorado Works/Temporary Assistance to Needy Families (TANF) program.  TANF is a federal program that provides cash assistance to needy families with dependent children. An application for Colorado Works will also be considered for food assistance, Medicaid, and child support services. Child care assistance and other supportive services are available for job seekers.

The TANF program is designed to help needy families achieve self-sufficiency.  The TANF program in Mesa County offers a variety of services to the families involved in and/or eligible for TANF, including, but not limited to, cash assistance, domestic violence counseling and mental health and substance abuse counseling. 

If you are interested in these services, please contact the Mesa County Workforce Center at 970-248-0871 or visit the Mesa County Workforce Center website.

School District

If your child is school age, your child’s school counselor may also be able to assist you in accessing available school and/or community resources.  In addition, if your child is enrolled in Medicaid and has a current Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP), then ask your school counselor about the School Health Services (SHS) program.  This is a Medicaid program in Colorado that provides health services, including psychology and counseling services, to Medicaid enrolled clients as prescribed in the client’s Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP).  Visit the Mesa County School District(link is external) website to find more information.

Victim Assistance

In 1982 the state of Colorado enacted the Crime Victim Compensation Act, a program designed to help victims of crimes, including, but not limited to, assault, sexual assault, child physical abuse, child sexual abuse, vehicular homicide, domestic assault, homicide, etc.  If you are interested in these services, please call the Victim Assistance at 970-244-3275 or visit the Victim Assistance section of the Mesa County Sheriff's website.

Western Colorado 2-1-1

Western Colorado 2-1-1(link is external) provides toll-free, one-call access to program and service providers on the western slope, all services are free. The Western Colorado 2-1-1 program is designed to help those in need get easy and quick access to agencies/programs/services that can assist them including, but not limited to, mental health services, substance abuse treatment services, day care providers, individual and/or family therapy, basic need assistance (i.e., food, clothing, and shelter), etc.

Western Colorado 2-1-1 covers the following counties: Delta County, Eagle County, Garfield County, Gunnison County, Lake County, Mesa County, Montrose County, and Pitkin County.  To access this resource, simply dial 2-1-1 from any landline or 970-244-8400 from a cellular phone to connect with an Information and Referral Specialist.  2-1-1 is staffed from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday.

Western Slope Center for Children (WSCC)

Western Slope Center for Children (WSCC) provides services to child sexual abuse victims and their families in a supportive environment that reduces trauma and promotes dignity, justice, and healing.  If you are interested in these services, please call the WSCC at 970-245-3788.

Access list of resources

Guide to Adulting from Healthy Mesa County

Board of Human Services Reports