Concealed Handgun Permit application
Better service, reduced wait time.
To provide better service and reduce wait times, applications for Concealed Handgun Permits must be submitted online through Permitium, a third-party service. Applicants will schedule an appointment with the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office through Permitium to complete fingerprints and/or photos. Payment will be made online during the application process.
Before you begin, have a copy of the following documents:
- Colorado Government photo ID
- Handgun training certificate that includes the original signature of the class instructor (online classes, home study, and hunter safety courses will not be accepted)
- Proof of Mesa County residency if ID states otherwise
Important information
New and renewal applications must be submitted online through Permitium.
No walk-in appointments are available. If you are changing your name or address or requesting a replacement permit, please use the online application process.
Concealed Handgun Permit applications must be submitted to the County Sheriff’s Office where you reside, own property, or own a business.
Applicants must be 21 years of age at the time of application.
Learn more about Concealed Handgun Permit Statutes in Colorado.
Concealed Handgun Permit Application Information
Learning the laws regulating the use of firearms is a must for responsible ownership. Local regulations differ and laws vary from state to state. Citizens must check where the firearm is to be used.
The sheriff and his staff are required to follow strict state guidelines when performing the necessary background checks for Concealed Handgun Permits (CHP). Due to the nature of the detailed due diligence, appointment times and processing times can take multiple weeks. During the application process, you will be required to schedule an appointment for New, Renewal, and Name Change applications. Please note that you will be asked to pay now to reserve your appointment.
The application must be submitted to the Sheriff of the County or City and County in which the applicant resides or to the Sheriff of the County or City and County in which the applicant maintains a secondary residence or owns or leases real property used by the applicant in a business.
- For a NEW CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT, you will be asked to schedule a fingerprint appointment.
- If you are applying for a CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT RENEWAL, you may not apply until 120 business days prior to the expiration date shown on your current CONCEALED HANDGUN PERMIT.
- LATE RENEWAL applications will be accepted up to 6 months after the expiration date shown on the current Concealed Handgun Permit. If your permit is more than 6 months expired then you must submit a new application, to include a valid training certificate less than 10 years old.
- If your Concealed Handgun Permit is lost, stolen, or destroyed, you must contact the agency where the permit was issued within 3 business days.
- The fee for a new application is $52.50.
- Renewal application fees are $13.00.
- Name change fees are $13.00.
Have a copy of your Colorado Government photo ID and training certificate ready.
All appointments are scheduled through the online application process.
- Monday - Friday
- 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (excluding holidays)
215 Rice Street
Grand Junction, CO 81501
When you arrive for your scheduled appointment
- Please allow at least 30 minutes to complete the in-person application process. You will be fingerprinted and a photo will be taken. You must bring a valid government-issued picture ID.
- It may take up to 90 days to complete your application. You will receive an email or text notification when your permit is ready to pick up.
- Fees are non-refundable.
Verified Firearms Instructor Program
The Mesa County Sheriff is responsible for verifying Concealed Handgun Training class instructors who are teaching classes within Mesa County. To be a Verified Concealed Handgun Permit instructor, you are required to hold a valid concealed carry permit and be certified by a law enforcement agency, college, or university, a nationally recognized organization that offers firearms training, or a firearms training school.
For full information regarding the program, please download the PDF below:
Verified Instructor Information Packet (Revised 8/6/2024)
Those seeking to become a Verified Firearms Instructor or renew their Verified Instructor status in Mesa County under CRS 18-12-202.7, please download and complete the application below. This application is for individuals qualified to instruct on firearms and plan to teach the Concealed Handgun Training class and/or the refresher class.
Submit the completed form and required documents in person to the front counter of the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office or to Once your application has been received, you will receive an email response.
Mesa County Sheriff's Office Verified Instructors
All firearms training certificates submitted for a Colorado Concealed Handgun Permit in Mesa County must be completed by an instructor and verified by the Mesa County Sheriff's Office.
Last updated 2/28/2025
Andrews, Kenneth: Kenneth Andrews Expires 11/21/2034
Appelhanz, Adam: Guardian Grizz Safety Training (new classes only) Expires 02/27/2035
Armstrong, Otto: V.S.A. Expires 01/09/2035
Armstrong, Otto: Grand Valley Training Club Expires 01/09/2035
Bacher, Richard: Common Sense Defense, LLC Expires 08/15/2034
Barnes, Cheryl: 3 G Firearm Training Expires 02/13/2035
Barnes, Rick: Spot ON Firearm Training Expires 09/05/2034
Baxter, Steven: Fieldcraft Defense Expires 9/19/2034
Bridge, Terry: Rusty Spur INC. Expires 09/13/2034
Cattarello, Luke: The Shoot House Expires 12/06/2034
Clark, Edward Jr.: CMU Tech Expires 09/05/2034
Cleland, Dwight: Top Shot Guns Expires 09/05/2034
Criswell, Michael: TYR Advanced Training Solutions Expires 10/31/2034
Dhabolt, Charles Sr.: Air Pro, LLC Expires 1/31/2030
Elliot, Jason: Fieldcraft Defense Expires 11/07/2034
Galvan, Laurie: Grey Wolf Protective Industries Expires 02/07/2035
Godsey, Randy: Jukado Tactical Expires: 09/05/2034
Hassinger, Russell: Action Pistol Group Expires 08/23/2034
Hickmon, Brent: Defenders USA Expires 09/05/2034
Jackson, James: Grand Mesa Training, LLC Expires 08/15/2034
Khalsa, Ram Dhan Singh: GV Training Club Expires 08/23/2034
Kirkland, Tyerek: Front Line Solutions, LLC Expires 01/09/2035
Laurin, Robin: Defenders USA Expires 08/15/2034
Lewis, James T IV: KSAT-5 / Legal Heat Expires 09/26/2034
Martin, Wesley: Action Pistol Group Expires 08/15/2034
Martindale, Richard: Rick's Pistol Training, LLC Expires 08/15/2034
McGuire, Don L III: Contemporary Warrior, LLC Expires 08/23/2034
Nelson, Paul: Frontline Solutions, LLC Expires 02/27/2035
Nevins, Michael: Last Resort Defense Expires 9/19/2034
Pates, Robert: GV Training Club Expires 9/19/2034
Pelletier, Andre: Andre Pelletier Expires 01/09/2035
Prescott, Stanley: PLC Training Expires 01/09/2035
Reinitz, William: Reinitz Firearms Training Expires 10/03/2034
Richardson, Jamie: Action Pistol Group Expires 08/15/2034
Stephenson, Kenneth: KSAT-5 Firearms Training Expires 09/05/2034
Van Gundy, Colleen: Delta Defense, LLC Expires 08/15/2034
Call 970-244-3500
No Shoot Zone
Visit our Law Enforcement Boundaries map system and select the "No Shooting Zones" filter to view the areas in Mesa County designated as No Shooting Zones.
Mesa County map per Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Resolution 87-18.
The No Shoot Zone only applies to:
- Public land within the No Shoot Zone.
- It does not apply to Private Land.
- Federal lands and municipalities have their own regulations.
- It is your responsibility to know the laws and regulations.