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Working together for a healthy community

Four Images: Front of building, 2 staff sitting at table, nurse in exam room, WIC waiting room.

Who We Are  

Mesa County Public Health formed in 1948. We work collaboratively to provide Mesa County residents the opportunity to make choices that allow them to live a healthy life.

Our Vision 

Mesa County is a supportive community that promotes a healthy environment where everyone can flourish.

Our Mission 

Understanding, promoting, and protecting the health of the community.

Our Values 

Respect, Collaboration, Innovation, Accountability

Staff photo outside with blue sky and green grass, employees all wearing similar t-shirts.




Join our team 

Do you want to work with great people, doing great things for the community?

Check for a list of open positions on our team.

Health is connected to everything 

We are the health strategist for Mesa County.

We use data and partnerships to direct the work.  Read the Community Health Needs Assessment to see our focus areas.

Read our 2018-2023 Strategic Plan 

We love our community. It is our strategy to improve health outcomes for residents and visitors.  You can also look at how our strategic plan fits into the different areas that impact health.

2018-2023 MCPH Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan Outline

Read about our impact

Our Annual Impact Report showcases all of our programs and their contributions to the community. 

Explore data and insight from each of our teams.

2023 Impact Report

2023 Impact Report Infographic




Our directors

View our organizational structure.

Mesa County Public Health Organization Chart

Learn about our Board of Public Health 

Professional photo of a man wearing a gray suit.

Xavier Crockett, MS
Executive Director


Photograph of a smiling, professionally dressed woman.

Erin Minnerath, MSPH, CIC
Deputy Director

Our leadership team

Adult woman wearing professional clothing.

Alli Howe
Chief health strategist

Adult woman wearing professional clothing.

Allison Sanchez
Clinic director

Adult woman wearing professional clothing.

Sally Born
Environmental health manager


Adult woman wearing professional clothing.

Tara Leach
Operations director

Adult man wearing professional clothing.

Justin Davis
Fiscal services manager

Adult woman wearing professional clothing.

Michelle Trujillo
Health promotion division director


Woman with shoulder-length brown hair wearing a white blouse with pink flowers.

Sarah Gray
Communication and marketing manager

Adult woman wearing professional clothing.

Erin Andrews
Nurse-Family Partnership manager 

Adult woman wearing professional clothing.

 Karla Klemm
Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) manager


Image of a professionally dressed woman.

Alice Ireland
Data and informatics manager



What We're All About

Community Services Building (Public Health)

510 29 1/2 Road
Grand Junction, CO 81504
Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am-5:00 pm
Friday: 7:30 am-12:00 pm